Friday, July 24, 2009

Korean Exchange Rate

The entire system of Korean exchange rate is filled with some unique problems. The exchange rate of Korean currency heavily depends on the Japan and leads to asymmetrical positioning and transaction between the two currencies because Japan tends to be one of the most important machine tools suppliers for Korea. This tends to evolve a leading competitor in the third financial markets. Apart from it, the entire fundamental concept of financial liberalisation is in tandem with the democratic liberalisation. On the larger issue, it is also related to the varied implications, which might arise if the future unification of the entire Korean peninsula is taken into consideration.
There are several factors which have dominating impact over the policies of Korean exchange rate. Some of the major ones are the financial liberalisation, the conversion rates in between the prices of yen and dollar along with the increase in the cut throat competition created by the Asian countries, which traditionally were of low cost.
The exchange rate of the Korean currency is finalised on the basis of the financial liberalisation and its various effects, the various internal and external targets of the exchange policy. Apart from these, the various fluctuations which have been registered in the exchange basket also serve to be very essential. On the other hand, the analysis of the Korean exchange rate is done on the basis of the trade off which is conducted in between the credibility of the banks, which on one hand are fighting the inflation and on the second hand, they are trading off between the external shocks. Capital mobility is one of the essential aspects which have been brought about by the financial liberalisations. Thus, it's the long run equilibrium between the above mentioned clauses that define the Korean exchange rate

Mexico Exchange Rate

Currently, one UD dollar equals to 13.2085 Mexican pesos. Like the US dollar, even the Mexican peso is considered to be one of the important international currencies, which is used in millions of currency trading and conversion purposes. Though, serious research reveals that Mexican currency exchange rate has been credited as one of the most serious ones in the entire history of Latin America.
It has been very much into the news lately that since the dismal conditions in the year 2003, the stability and pace of the country will be disturbed after 5 years by the credit crunch and global recession going on. In spite of it, the Mexican currency stands to be one of the most traded currencies of the world. This is due to the significant decrease reported to the growth related to the gross domestic product, which will definitely have its impact over the exchange rates of Mexico. In accordance with the survey conducted by the Bloomberg, it becomes quite evident that there might be a growth of 1.3% in the last quarter of the year 2008.
The excessive remittances which were earlier voiced by the Mexicans who lived outside the country have decreased currently because the export demands have witnessed a decrease in the current scenario.
It is being calculated that Mexican peso has suffered a 2 percent down when compared with the USD.
No doubt, the economy of Mexico stands to be the second largest after the Brazil in the Latin America. Thus, its exchange rate and economy are carved by the exports it does, as the figure reaches to around 80%.
But since, this currency and exchange rate have been following their back up plans, it's quite evident that they will be resurfacing after the hard hits of economic imperialism

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Yen (japanese currency) exchange rate

In spite of a sharp monthly reversal, the matched trend lows of 87.15 from the months of December as well as January, the Forex market has been confined to an important downward trend while the current rebound has been classed as corrective. As was witnessed in the Forex market, a daily double bottom has been initiated, and it is hopeful that the Japanese yen will climb back to the 104.00 area.
Interest Rate Forecast of Japanese Yen and US Dollar Interest Rate
The pair of currencies which consist of the US Dollar/Japanese Yen seems to be literally unaffected by the interest rates between the Bank of Japan and the Federal Reserve. The risk manifestation has driven the price action for the Japanese Yen and US Dollar with risk sentiment favoring the Yen. The relationship between these two currencies disappeared in February once the USD/JPY rallied in spite of a large sell off in equity markets all across the world.
The Credit Suisse made some expectations about the Japanese Yen over the next year. The one good thing about all of this is that the Bank of Japan has always kept rates near zero. The Fed funds rate is expected to rise by 41 bps. Therefore, the Japanese Yen could resume its position as one of the funding currencies which may also add to the Yen's weakness going forward.
The Valuation of the Japanese Yen and the US Dollar
The Japanese Yen continues to remain overvalued against the $US dollar even after the Yen posted an 8.32% loss during February especially when the USDJPY is more than likely to push higher even as the economic downturn in Japan's economy intensifies. The grim outlook for further growth has battered the correlation between the Yen as well as the stock markets.
Purchasing Power Parity
Purchasing Power Parity happens to be one of the oldest as well as the most basic fundamental approach in determining the "fair" exchange rate of one currency to another. The definition states that an identical product should cost approximately the same when trading the Japanese Yen from one country to another. The only difference lies in the price tag which can be accounted for by the rate of exchange. If you find that a pencil has a price tag of ?1 in Europe and the same pencil costs $1.20 in the United States, the fair exchange rate should equal 1.20. These values are compared to the current Forex market rates to determine exactly how much a currency is under- or over-valued against the United States dollar.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

EURO exchange rate

The Euro continues to build strength even against the dollar. Therefore, if you are planning a trip to France and some of the other European countries, it would definitely be too expensive. There are many ways of cheating that bad Euro exchange rate, just by making Euro-saving decisions about when you are going to go for your visit, where to go, where you are going to stay, what to do and where you are going to eat. Below are some tips as to how you are going to save Euros in a bad exchange rate.
As the Euro builds strength, particularly against the dollar, it will probably make a trip to Europe, and especially France much too expensive for your wallet. There are many ways that you will be able to cheat a bad Euro exchange rate. If you have your heart set on seeing France you can decide ahead of time about where you are going to go, when you want to go, where to stay, things to do and where to eat. Here are some tips about how you can save Euros in a bad exchange rate:
Saving Euros - Where to Go
One of the cities that you definitely want to avoid is Paris. This is a very expensive city, possibly one of the most expensive in this world. If you do not find that you can avoid Paris altogether, then fly to Paris, stay overnight and spend the day sightseeing. Some of the other expensive cities are Nice and Cannes.
There are so many wonderful regions and destinations in France that you probably not even miss Paris. Some of the inexpensive cities are the following:
You may wish to buy some more travel guides concerning places to go and the amount you will save as far as the Euro exchange rate goes:
A list of the regions thst France is divided up into
Some of the top French cities that will not be on your visit to see
Save on Those Euros!
If you feel you must definitely visit Paris during the spring, you may want to think twice about this. Spring and summer are quite costly times to visit and these seasons are not really the best times to visit.
If you absolutely feel that you must experience France in the spring, then it may be well to plan your trip either in late March or go to the French Riviera in October when it is still warm.
If you really want to save on those Euros, then it would be well to plan a trip to France in the fall or winter. You will not only save on Euros, but you will also experience the large crowds and experience France in the off-season

Dollar (USD) exchange rate

It's a bullish Forex market for some traders. They should be satisfied with some of the rallies in the major currencies while they last because once bond yields the world over adjust downward in order to meet U.S. rates, all of the easy money should follow suit. The Forex markets seem to get so far ahead of themselves that prices could collapse to more logical levels.
The Forex markets are acting like the Federal Reserve has just pumped approximately $1 trillion into the market overnight. Now that the details of this plan have started to come together, traders should make note of the fact that the Fed's debt buying spree is going to take over six months. This will give the global interest rates the much needed time so that the Forex market may come down to more logical levels.
Before the Federal Reserve announced its competitive money-printing plan nothing different was seen in the U.K., the Euro Zone or either the Japanese economies. All of the traders are fighting for business. This is one reason why Great Britain tried lowering the Pound and the Bank of Japan called for a plan to buy back government debt. The Swiss National Bank tried to intervene last week. All of these countries desire that their currencies be lower.
The EUR/USD will not tolerate a rise over $1.40. Due to the structure of the European Union, it seems that either a drastic cut in the interest rate or some other kind of financial creativity will be coming down the pike before long.
Due to the financial situation of the Euro Zone as well as its neighbors in Central and Eastern Europe, it has become increasingly clear that something must be done to stimulate interest in goods that are bought in the Euro Zone. A Euro that is over $1.40 and is closer to $1.50 is bound to choke the economy. You should enjoy the EUR/USD rally while you can, but you do not want to get trapped when the Forex market comes down again.
Earlier in the week the Bank of Japan made an announcement that it planed to weaken the Yen through yet another round of quantitative easy by buying up government debt. It only worked for a day as the Japanese Yen declined rapidly against the U.S. Dollar. On Wednesday, the U.S. Federal Reserve made the announcement that it, too, was going to buy long-dated mortgages and government debt.
As the Dollar weakened, the value of the Japanese Yen increased in value. If the BoJ along with the Japanese government remain committed to a weaker Yen, then look for these two institutions to become more active in their attempts to weaken the Japanese Yen.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dinar exchange rate

Dinar Exchange rate: its pros and cons
The regular value updating of the Iraqi Dinar exchange rate is done through the Central Bank of Iraq. Presently, Dinar is turning to be one of the most invested currencies of the world. Though, this assumption has been affecting the exchange rate of the dinar, but no one knows whether its a mere hoax or a breakthrough in currency trading.
Investment in Dinar
For example, if a forex broker purchased the dinar for say, forty dollars, which includes the payment of thirty dollars in the mark up and ten dollars in the shipment. But in the same case, say, the value of dinar increased to around twenty dollars, which in the exchange rate means a value of twenty six thousand dinars. But at the same time, the cost of inflation proved to be around eleven dollars. Due to which the end figure which was given to the broker accounted to minus of twenty nine dollars.
On the other hand, if the same forex broker has purchased at the four percent CD price, he would have earned around nine dollars margin in the investment.
Growth of Dinar
When the exchange rate of dinar has been compared with the US dollar, the inflation recorded during the time of 2004-2008, amount to 0.13%. Currently, the value of one USD accounts to 1200 IQD while in 2004, it used to account to 1460 IQD. But looking it from the other angle reveals that if the same broker invested around one dollar in IQD during the year 2004, he would have then faced a loss of 0.32 cents.
At the same time, its very essential to make the purchase of dinar from reliable sites because currently, there has been rampant mushrooming of the shady sites which sell dinars at rates which are quite less than the market price, but then most of them tend to be fake

British pound exchange rate

UK Exchange rate: the effect on monetary policy, inflation and consumer prices
The effect of recession and global melt down on the UK exchange rate has been tremendous and quite jeopardising. The floating exchange rate is one of the pivotal features of the monetary policy of UK. It aids in the implementing targeted measures for the consumer prices and also related to the inflation forecasting. With the concept of the floating exchange rate, the central bank is conferred with the benediction of using the monetary policy in accordance with the financial environment so that the inflation rate could be affected. This kind of incorporation in the policy is relieving for the economy of UK, both in terms of the theoretical literature and policy discussions.
Some of the important members of the MPC (Monetary Policy Committee) like Gertler, Bernanke and Vickers have played a pivotal role in framing the short term exchange rates and they believe that the entire impact of the exchange rate resides only with the monetary policy. Later, when the effect of the exchange rate was calculated and its respective effect on the consumer prices and import prices, it was revealed that the connection between the retail price and the exchange rate is comparatively weaker. On the other hand, the relation between the import price and exchange rate is comparatively maintains a closer relation.
On the other hand, there is a weak relation exists between the inflation and the exchange rate due to the incorporation of the pricing to the market models. According to this market, the exchange rate is not taken into consideration when the import price setters are creating impact of the aggregate inflation level of UK. Ultimately, after a lot of introduction of models and researches, it has been finalised that the inflation and exchange rate relationship does get effected on the monetary value of UK's currency.
Fact 1 - NAV (Trust's net asset value) is figured out each business day by the Trustee. The cash (British Pound Sterling Deposits) as the purposes of NAV calculation are translated according to the Noon Buying Rate. It is the rate of U.S. dollar ("USD")/ British Pound Sterling exchange which is set as well as published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. That is done at 12:00 PM (New York time), the time when NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) opens for trading operations daily.
Fact 2 - In the period from 1956-1971 a lot of developed countries within the United Kingdom managed to keep a fixed exchange rate system with the gold or US dollar. In 1971 problems caused by limited gold supply appeared again. And in 1973 the system was destroyed when the most major countries refused from the par value system. Than several countries generalized floating of exchange rates, and it caused large instability in currency markets. As it was expected, the Malawi currency devalued together with the devaluation of the British pound to which it was pegged. After this authorities started to think how to manage the exchange rate

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